Contact Info

This area can be fully edited and gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself, your website, your products or your services.
  • Address
    Headquarters address:
    11st Floor Yinfeng Building,NO.1505 Binsheng road, Hangzhou ,China

    Factory address:
    No.118 Haifeng Road, Jianshan New Zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province China

  • Telephone
    Headquarters Phone
    Tel : 0086-571-85803511
    Fax : 0086-571-85803522

    Factory Phone
    Tel : 0086-573-87896198 (chinese)
    Fax : 0086-573-87896558

  • E-mail
    Headquarters  E-mail
    Email :

    Factory  E-mail
    Email :

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